Distance Between Noida to Kapashera Border
The distance beween Noida to Kapashera Border is 42 km only. Travel Time: You need to travel around 1-1.5 hours to reach Kapashera Border from Noida. Route Map: Below is the route map you can follow:
The distance beween Noida to Kapashera Border is 42 km only. Travel Time: You need to travel around 1-1.5 hours to reach Kapashera Border from Noida. Route Map: Below is the route map you can follow:
The distance between Dhaula Kuan to Kapashera Border is 15.2 km only. The DTC Bus number 729 runs between them. Travel Time: The traveling time is 30 minutes only. Route Map: Below is the route map you can follow to reach Kapasherea Border form Daula Kuan..
The distance between Kapasherea Border to Gurgon is 9.3 km. Travel Time: The travelling time is 25-30 minutes. Route Map:
The DTC Bus No. 712 runs from Kapashera Border to Karol Bagh. Travel Time: The bus takes approx 1 hour 24 minutes to complete the distance. Halts: This route has a total of 24 stops. Below is the name of each halt: Kapashera Border Kapashera Village Palam Airport Bypass More Lines Blood Bank Kendriya Vidhyalaya Geeta Ashram…
The bus number 539K runs from Kapashera Border to Najafgarh Terminal. Travel Time: The bus takes approx 37 minutes to complete the distance. Halts: This route has a total of 10 stops. Below is the name of each halt: Kapashera Border Kapashera X-ing Bijwasan School Bijwasan Railway X-ing Bamnoli Power Station BSF Camp Chhawla Chhawla…
The DTC Bus Number 729 Cluster runs between Kapashera Border to Kashmiri Gate. Bus Route: Mori Gate Terminal ISBT / Kashmiri Gate ISBT / Kashmiri Gate Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (Kashmere Gate) GPO Red Fort Jama Masjid Dariya Ganj Delhi Gate LNJP Hospital Zakir Husain College Viveka Nand Marg Shivaji Park Super Bazar Palika…
The Bus 718 runs between Uttam Nagar Terminal to Kapashera Border. This bus route has 31 stops. Following are the details of the stops: Bus Stops: Uttam Nagar Terminal Janakpuri A-1 Tilak Pul Jeevan Park Janakpuri C-1 C-1 Janakpuri C-2 Janak Puri C-2d Janakpuri Dabri Crossing New Dwarka Road Dwarkapuri Vijay Enclave Mahaveer Enclave Part…
The nearest metro station to Kapashera Border is Micromax Moulsari Avenue Metro Station. Micromax Moulsari Avenue Metro Station is located on the Rapid Metro in Gurgaon. Total Distance: The total distance between metro station to the Kapashera Border is 3.7 km. Map: You can navigate the below map to reach the border from the metro station.